Flutter vs React Native: A comparison
July 24, 2024 by Marvin

Flutter vs React Native in 2024: Which framework is better for app development?

There are several options to chose when it comes to app development frameworks. Among the many options available, two cross platform app development frameworks gained more and more popularity over the years worldwide: Flutter and React Native. Therefore, we provide a comprehensive comparison in the “flutter vs react native” debate, and focus on highlighting their differences, strengths, and weaknesses to help you make an informed decision for your next app development project.

Cross-platform mobile frameworks used by software developers worldwide from 2019 to 2023
Image Source: Statista, https://www.statista.com/statistics/869224/worldwide-software-developer-working-hours/

Overview of Flutter and React Native

Before comparing both frameworks, let's briefly introduce Flutter and React Native to lay the groundwork.

React Native icon

React Native, released by Facebook in 2015, is an open-source framework that enables developers to build mobile applications using JavaScript and React. React Native bridges the gap between web and mobile app development, allowing for the reuse of code across different platforms.

Flutter icon

Flutter, released by Google in 2018, is an open-source UI software development kit (SDK), which allows developers to create natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. Flutter uses the Dart programming language and emphasizes a highly customizable and performant UI experience.

How is Flutter Different from React Native?

Understanding how Flutter and React Native differ is crucial for making the right choice. Here are the main differences between React Native and Flutter:

Programming Language: Dart vs JavaScript

Flutter uses Dart, a language designed for fast development. While Dart is less known than JavaScript, it has been gaining traction due to its robust performance and growing community. This is also visible in the screenshot below taken out of Stack Overflow Survey 2023, where the Flutter framework is voted slightly more popular than React Native.

React Native relies on JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages as of the Stack Overflow Survey from 2023.
From 87.585 respondents worldwide, 63,6% voted JavaScript as programming language they have done extensive work with.

As of StackOverflow developer survey 2023 Flutter is more popular than React Native
Source: Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023: Popular frameworks developers have done extensive work with, category "other frameworks and libraries"


Flutter excels in performance because it compiles to native ARM code. This allows for smooth animations and transitions, offering a high-performance experience comparable to native apps.

React Native uses a bridge between JavaScript and native code, which can sometimes result in performance bottlenecks, especially in complex applications.

Development Experience

Flutter offers a “hot reload” feature that allows developers to see changes in real-time without restarting the app. Its comprehensive documentation and strong community support make it developer friendly.

React Native also provides "hot reload", but its reliance on third-party libraries can sometimes lead to fragmentation and inconsistencies. However, its large ecosystem and active community are significant advantages.

User Interface (UI)

Flutter boasts a rich set of pre-designed widgets that adhere to Material Design and Cupertino standards. This makes it easier to create visually appealing and consistent UIs across platforms.

React Native leverages native components, which can lead to a more native look and feel. However, achieving a consistent UI across platforms can require more effort and customization.

Check out our Docutain SDK
Learn more about the Docutain SDK, providing document scanning, data capturing, OCR, data extraction and barcode scanning functionalities. It is available for Flutter and React Native.
If you want to test the Document Scanner SDK without writing any lines of code, check out our Showcase Apps for Android & iOS or have a look at our Flutter examples and React Native examples in GitHub.

Strengths and Weaknesses of both cross platform frameworks

To provide a good overview of their suitability for different types of app development projects, we break down the strengths and weaknesses of Flutter and React Native in the following:

Flutter Strengths

  • High Performance: Thanks to its direct compilation to native code.
  • Rich UI Components: Extensive set of widgets for creating visually appealing interfaces.
  • Consistent UI: Uniform appearance across different platforms.
  • Strong Community Support: Growing community with comprehensive documentation.

Flutter Weaknesses

  • Limited Language Familiarity: Dart is not as widely known as JavaScript.
  • Larger App Size: Flutter apps can be larger compared to React Native apps due to Flutter’s own rendering engine and a comprehensive set of widgets.

React Native Strengths

  • JavaScript Ecosystem: Leverages the vast JavaScript ecosystem.
  • Code Reusability: High potential for code reuse between web and mobile platforms.
  • Native Look and Feel: Utilizes native components for a more authentic user experience.
  • Strong Community & Ecosystem: Extensive third-party libraries and tools.

React Native Weaknesses

  • Performance Bottlenecks: Potential for slower performance due to the JavaScript bridge.
  • UI Inconsistencies: May require extra effort to achieve a consistent UI across platforms.
  • Dependency Management: Reliance on third-party libraries can lead to compatibility issues.

When to choose React Native and when to choose Flutter?

In the "flutter vs react native" debate of 2024, the best choice depends on your specific project requirements and the expertise of the development team. The decision for a development platform always depends on the use case should therefore be discussed with an experienced developer team to consider all aspects moving the project forward.

A general recommendation on which framework to chose can be as follows:

Choose Flutter over React Native if you prioritize high performance, a rich set of customizable UI components, and if you are comfortable with Dart as primary programming language. Flutter is particularly suitable for projects that require a highly consistent and visually appealing user interface with unique designs across all platforms.

Choose React Native over Flutter if you prefer leveraging the familiarity and vast ecosystem of JavaScript, need to maximize code reuse between web and mobile platforms, and seek a more native look and feel for your app. React Native is ideal for projects where development speed and leveraging existing web development skills are crucial.

Ultimately, React Native and Flutter both have their merits with delivering a close-to-native performance and can help build high-quality applications.

Check out our Docutain SDK
Learn more about the Docutain SDK, providing document scanning, data capturing, OCR, data extraction and barcode scanning functionalities. It is available for Flutter and React Native.
If you want to test the Document Scanner SDK without writing any lines of code, check out our Showcase Apps for Android & iOS or have a look at our Flutter examples and React Native examples in GitHub.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Flutter hybrid or native?

Flutter is a hybrid framework. It allows developers to build cross-platform applications with a single codebase while providing a native-like performance and experience.

Is Flutter better than React Native

Whether Flutter is better than React Native depends on the individual project requirements, budget and developer expertise.

How if Flutter different from React Native

Flutter is different from React Native by using Dart programming language and its own rendering engine to create consistent, high-performance UIs, while React Native uses JavaScript and bridges to native components.

Your contact to Docutain

Please tell our colleague Harry Beck how the Docutain SDK can help you with your project. We are looking forward to receiving your inquiry, either by telephone or contact form.